Thursday 31 December 2015

J.Lo stuns on the cover of American Way Magazine

Singer and actress J.Lo looks stunning on the January 2016 cover of American Way Magazine.

Lol.........brazilian team offer Jose Mourinho new job, promise to pay him monthly with food hampers.

Jose Mourinho is currently in Brazil following his dismissal from Chelsea, and one club in the country is trying to poach the former Chelsea coach. Ibis Sport Club, known as the ‘worst team in the world’ after they set a world record back in the 1980s for the most number of matches (55) without a win, have now offered the former Chelsea who was earning £10million per year at Chelsea, a 2-year contract which includes a monthly payment of a food hamper, bonuses for each game lost, a wage increase every time the team is thrashed.

By funnily enough, if Ibis wins the league, Mourinho would automatically be sacked. Ibis Sport Club made their offer to Mourinho on South America’s equivalent of April’s Fools Day. See the contract below...

3 Nigeria men arrested in India for allegedly gang raping teen girl

Three Nigerian men have been arrested by Indian police for allegedly gang raping a 19 year old Indian girl in West Delhi's Uttam Nagar area. The three alleged rapists are pictured sitting on the ground in the pic above and surrounded by police...

According to India police, the men were arrested on Dec. 29th after getting a statement from the victim, who claimed she was lured into the home of one of the men.

The girl, who is a student, said she came to Delhi for the holidays and was staying with her brother's female friends. On the night of the incident, she said the two women suggested they go to the club to party but instead took her to the home of one of the Nigerians. Later in the night, one of them started touching her inappropriately and when she resisted, he forced himself on her. Two other guys allegedly joined in.

In her statement to police, she said she managed to escape and contacted her brother who then called the police.

33 year old Nwachorudo Charles Echejohn and two of his friends were arrested. The two women who allegedly lured her to the home have also been arrested.

Photo: North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un cries at funeral of trusted aide

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un showed rare public emotion as he openly cried at the funeral of his most trusted aide, Kim Yang-Gon. Kim touched the face of his late comrade and confidant during his state funeral today, describing him as a 'close comrade-in-arms whom nobody can replace'.

73 year old Kim Yang-Gon, who was a secretary of the ruling Workers' Party, died in a car accident at 6:15 am Tuesday Dec. 29th at age 73

'They forced us to pray before raping us, to them we were animals' ISIS rape survivor reveals

An ISIS rape survivor has revealed the terrible fate she suffered at the hands of the ruthless terrorist organization. Nadia Murad Basee Taha, 21, from the Northern Iraqi town of Sinjar was captured in her home and sold as a sex slave to ISIS militants who considered her as an infidel and did whatever they wished with her body. Speaking at Cairo University in Egypt, she told students:

"When Daesh entered my village, they killed children, the old and young men. The next day, they killed the old women and led the young girls, including me, to Mosul. In Mosul, I saw thousands of Yazidi women where they were distributed to their slave masters. There I saw a huge Daeshi, who wanted to take me. I implored to another man to take me instead when I saw he was smaller. But he turned out later to be one of the worst people I’ve ever seen. The Daesh used to force me and other captives to pray and then rape us. We were not worth the value of animals. 
"They raped girls in groups. They did what a mind could not imagine. In their so-called Sharia [Islamic law] courts, they had our names and phone numbers of our slave masters. They would call us whenever they wanted to spend time with us and sell us." 
Nadia was brave enough to escape from her so called "owner" and has now made it her point of duty to inform the world especially young girls and youths about the growing threat ISIS poses to the girl child and World Peace.
"I am the victim of terrorism disguised under the cloak of Islam. All these crimes are committed in the name of Islam. I’ve come to the Muslim world to complain and demand an Arab and Islamic stance against Daesh. No religion accepts enslaving women and raping children. We have the right to demand a united global stance because we share others values of humanity."

Win N300,000 in 'No Yawa' competition

Win three hundred thousand naira 
1 follow kamali _ojukwu_ on IG 
2_upload a video of yourself singing the "no yawa" chorus .
3_the person with the most likes per week gets any recharge card of his or her choice network .
4 The person with the most likes on his video at the said date "Jan 30th " wins the cash sum of 300 thousand naira. Courtesy of K.O.J entertainment in partnership with j.o ojukwu and sons .

NDLEA arrests female drug trafficker recruited via Facebook

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) arrested 37-year-old Uju Gloria Ezeabata pictured left, with 1.325kg of methamphetamine at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) in Ikeja, Lagos. According to a report by The Nation, investigations by the anti-drug agency showed that Uju, who was recruited on facebook, was taking the drug to Malaysia. The cartel’s suspected leader, Philip Maduabuchi Akpaka, 39, was also arrested.

When interrogated, Uju who works with an accounting firm in Lagos said: “I met a man on facebook some months ago who lives in Malaysia. He told me while chatting online that he is from my state, Anambra. After some months, he proposed to marry me and I requested that he comes to Nigeria to meet my parents as our custom demands. He promised to fulfil every marriage rite. Months later, he invited me to Malaysia, promising to pay all the travel expenses. After several appeals, I decided to visit him. The day I was to travel, he told me to take along a bag of foodstuff sent by his mother from the village. I was given the bag at the airport but in the process of checking it, drug was discovered inside packs of noodles in the bag and I was arrested.”

NDLEA Lagos Airport Commander Ahmadu Garba while commenting on her arrest, said “Gloria was arrested during screening of passengers on an Ethiopian airline flight on her way to Malaysia at the departure hall. Substances that tested positive for methamphetamine weighing 1.325kg were detected in her luggage. The drug was concealed in 26 packs of Indomie noodles in a bag of foodstuff containing plantain, pepper, melon and other spices. Further investigation led to the arrest of Akpaka, who allegedly coordinated the travel arrangement for Gloria and gave her the bag containing the drugs”.

Also commenting on the arrest, NDLEA Chairman/Chief Executive Roli Bode-George urged the public to be wary of drug cartels. 

“Members of the public should be wary of these antics, ascertain a wholesome relationship and report suspicious cases to the agency. Some of the tricks to watch out for include marriage proposals to unsuspecting female victims, unsolicited generosity like cash and other gift items as well as offering all-expense paid trip to Asia, Europe, America and South Africa. The mode of recruitment is also instructive because of its mass appeal to youths. I expect lovers of social media to learn from this arrest.”she said

The cartel’s suspected leader Akpaka admitted preparing Uju's travel papers at the instance of his Malaysia-based friend.

“I am a transporter. My friend in Malaysia asked me to prepare travel documents for Ezeabata. He also asked me to give her a bag to take to Malaysia,” he said.

Further investigation into the matter is ongoing

Skeletal remains found in a shallow grave in Soweto confirmed as that of a girl who went missing three years ago

South African police on December 17, uncovered a human skull and bones buried in a shallow grave in the backyard of a house in Phiri, Soweto where a missing University of Johannesburg student Palesa Madiba was last seen alive. A police officer at the Moroka police station said he received a call in the early hours of that day about a buried body in the house. There, they found a grave in the house and bricks that was laid on top of the body.

Yesterday, December 30, the police confirmed that the skeletal remains found in the grave were indeed Madiba's. Brigadier Mashadi Selepe said they could not divulge more information to the media until their investigation had been completed.

22-year-old Madiba disappeared in August 2013. She had spent the weekend at a friend's house and was expected back home in Diepkloof but didn't return. The family searched high and low but every tip on her whereabouts had turned out to be false.

“Media Chat Exposed Buhari’s Undemocratic Character”- PDP

Read the press statement from PDP below... 
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) says President Muhammadu Buhari’s responses at the Wednesday Presidential Media Chat were not only embarrassing but also further exposed his undemocratic character as an unrepentant tyrant who has no regard for the rule of law and the self-worth of Nigerian citizens. 
The party, in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh, on Thursday also said the President confirmed his partisanship in the much-vaunted war against corruption by openly absolving his ministers and party members of corrupt practices.

 “Whilst we restate our respect for the person and office of the President, we note that President Buhari bared his true colours to the world as an unrepentant tyrant. Today, the world is no longer in doubt as to who is behind the prevailing recklessness, abuse of rights of citizens and outright flouting of judicial pronouncements by security agencies.

“A situation where the President openly pronounced persons facing trial guilty and sanctioned their continued incarceration despite being granted bail by the courts, presents a dangerous fascist practice obtainable only in totalitarian societies like Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany, Idi Amin’s Uganda and General Than Shwe’s Burma.

“This extremely shocking dictatorial tendency being brazenly exhibited by the President in total disdain for our laws and judicial institutions portends great danger for our democracy and constitutionally-guaranteed rights of the people, and should be resisted by the citizens before it festers. 

"The scorn for the principle of separation of powers, especially the independence of the legislature, is further manifested in the declared craving to regulate the funding and running of the National Assembly, a matter constitutionally vested outside the jurisdiction of the executive.  We are most uncomfortable about his attempt at trying to whip up public sentiments against an independent arm of government, especially the one vested with the constitutional power of appropriation.

“Following from the foregoing, therefore, it may be necessary to suspend the application of our Constitution and allow the President to operate as maximum ruler for four years after which the nation can return to a democracy.

 “On the issue of the Chibok girls, President Buhari’s embarrassing declaration of seeking information on the whereabouts and state of the girls betrays an obvious insincerity which is in total conflict with his campaign promises in that regard.  Thus by this declaration, our dear President has accepted failure on this issue and should therefore apologise to Nigerians for all the insults, abuse and aspersions cast on the past administration by himself and the leadership of his political party.

 “On the issue of devaluation of the naira, there is an obvious conflict between the budget speech wherein the president stated that the government is assessing the foreign exchange rate with a view to attracting foreign investments and his categorical pronouncement during the media chat that the naira would not be devalued.  We invite Nigerians to note that the president obviously does not understand the currency that applies in the devaluation of the naira (laugh out loud).

“Furthermore, Nigerians were shocked by the President's labeling Nigerians as ‘very difficult lot’ while responding to questions on the strategy to be adopted in implementing his promised N5,000 social welfare package.

“This unhealthy portrayal of the citizens by the very father of the nation, who has remained unrelenting in de-marketing his country through unguarded statements, is indeed a great disservice to Nigeria and its international image. Consequently, we reject this negative labeling of our citizens and reiterate our confidence in them, especially the millions who remain honest, hardworking and credible.

“Finally, Nigerians must take copious note of the fact that the President gave no inspiring answers to questions pertaining to his campaign promises, the fight against insurgency and rescue of the Chibok girls, the poor state of the naira, sudden plunging of the economy under his watch, and the gradual loss of democratic rights and freedom.”

Chief Olisa Metuh
National Publicity Secretary

Pic: Car burst into flames on 3rd mainland bridge

A car suddenly burst into flames while it was being driven on Third mainland bridge. Passersby tried but couldn't put out the fire. See what happened to the car...

NEMA welcomes 2 newborn babies in Adamawa IDP camps

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) welcomed newborn babies during the holidays. The babies were born on December 27 and 30th.

Cat owner shocked after straying pet cat returns home with touching note on it's collar

A cat owner shared a story on Reddit of how her friend's pet cat came back home with a touching note attached to it's collar. When pets go wandering, no one knows what they get up to, but one cat owner has had a window into her feline's daily travels. Read the story after the cut...

The story was posted by Reddit user GoldenState and titled 'My girlfriend's cat came home with this note today''. The cat, Nala, was carrying a handwritten message which read:
"I don't know who this cat belongs to, but she comes [and] visits us every few weeks. "She'll meow outside our back door until we let her in."
Nala, the note says, would wind herself around their legs and walk around the house like it was her own, waiting at the fridge to be fed baloney by the writer or her husband because "she doesn't like our cat food very much"."We look forward to her visits - we lost our 21-year-old cat this year."

Buhari’s presidency a misadventure for Nigerians, he remains a dictator – Fayose

Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described the return to power of President Mohammadu Buhari as a misadventure for Nigerians, calling on the international community, especially organisations like the United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU) to focus their attention on human rights abuses and contempt for the rule of law in Nigeria in 2016.”

Governor Fayose, who said he was not disappointed by the President’s response during his media chat, to question on the disobedient of court orders by the Department of State Security (DSS), added that he had said it several times that once a dictator will always be a dictator and that those who helped him to power will end up in his gaol of dictatorship.

In a statement signed by his Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, the governor said he was aware of plot to muzzle him and others considered as non-conformists because of their opinion and critical stance on the President and his government, adding that; “such plot will definitely be counterproductive.”

He described the way and manner the former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) was being treated by the federal government as the hallmark of a dictator. “I said it earlier that Buhari is a dictator and I warned several times that those that were promoting this lion will end up in its belly.

“Having heard from the President himself declaring Col Sambo Dasuki and Nnamdi Kanu guilty even before trial, Nigerians should be prepared for a return of the 1984 experience in which Buhari’s Military tribunal sentenced people to jail terms ranging from 21 to 300 years, such that the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) had to boycott the tribunal. Even when former Ondo state Governor, late Chief Michael Ajasin was twice cleared of any wrongdoing by Buhari’s military tribunals; he was made to remain in prison.

“Those who witnesses Buhari’s regime in 1984-1985 will still remember how the National Security Organisation (NSO) – now DSS broke up a press conference of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU); detaining four of its officers, banned the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) and other associations and arrested their leaders. Even those who were not arrested were watched and warned by the NSO.

“As it was in 1984 when an accused was presumed as guilty and must have to prove his innocence, Nigerians are now being told by Buhari, a democratically elected President that those he accused of corruption are already guilty and they do not have rights to enjoy bail granted them by the courts even after meeting all the bail conditions.

“That is enough a signal on what is to come in 2016 and the international community and lovers of democracy in Nigeria must be watchful of the level of human rights abuses that will be perpetrated by President Buhari. “However, I want to assure Buhari that democratic time will surely catch up with him because no dictator has ever succeeded in muzzling the rule of law, which is the basic ingredient of democracy,” the governor said.

While calling on Nigerians to brace up for more hardships to be occasioned by the federal government’s strange economic policies, Governor Fayose said; “With the President referring to Deutschmark and French Franc as still being in use in Germany and France, it is obvious that 1984 economic solutions will still be applied to Nigeria’s economic problems in 2016.”

BH attacks: Borno govt restricts movement from Dec 31st till Jan 2nd

In a bid to stop any possible attack by Boko Haram members during the New Year celebration, the Borno state government has announced the restriction of vehicular movement as from 5.00pm Thursday 31st December 2015, to 6.00am on Saturday 2nd January 2016.

Borno State Commissioner of Information, Mohammed Bulama, made this known to newsmen today December 31st
"The measure becomes necessary in order to further safeguard lives and property of law abiding citizens in the state. While wishing you a hitch free new year, members of the public are please requested to be more vigilant and security conscious throughout the period and report any suspicious person or movement to the nearest security agency. We wish to assure the good people of Borno state and indeed all law abiding citizens that every step is being taken by government and military authorities to root out terrorists causing mayhem in the society," Bulama had told KSM News.

Davido opens up more on his fight with his babymama, apologizes to Dele Momodu

Davido tweeted an apology to Dele Momodu few minutes ago and also opened up more on his fight with his babymama Sophia Momodu. Continue...

Rwandan pastor sentenced to life imprisonment for genocide crimes

A Rwandan pastor accused of leading and coordinating attacks on minority Tutsis during Rwanda's 1994 genocide has been jailed for life, Rwanda's high court said on Wednesday, December 30.

An estimated 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed by dominant Hutu forces in the genocide in 100 days.

Jean Uwinkindi,64, who once led the Kayenzi Pentecostal church in the rural outskirts of the capital Kigali, was convicted of crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity committed during the slaughter.
"The court finds that there were killings of the Tutsi at Rwankeri and Kanzenze hills and that the attacks were led by Uwinkindi," said Judge Kanyegeri Timothee.
Uwinkindi was arrested in Uganda in 2010 and the following year his case was referred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in Tanzania, to the Rwandan national court system. It was the first such referral. The pastor said he plans to appeal.

Source: Reuters

D'banj gets his 2015 Porsche car from Slot endorsement (photos)

         Nice ride. More photos ...

It's easier to operate in Ghana than Nigeria-Robbery suspect confesses

Read Statement from the Rapid Response Squad
A robbery suspect and ex–convict, Wasami Dennis, 32, was arrested by operatives of the RRS in his hideout in Agbole Orile in Lagos. He confessed that it was easier for him to operate in Ghana than Nigeria because Ghanaian are not security conscious like Nigerians. This trans-border robbery suspect hails from Abraka town, Delta State. He was released almost a year ago from Kirikiri prison after he was convicted for a break-in-and-run robbery incidence in Festac, Lagos, Nigeria. 
"I was just released from prison about a year ago. I was caught in possession of a stolen laptop from Ghana along with three machetes hidden inside the walls of the hideout," he narrated.
In his statement, he said "I was an expert at break-in-robbery, I operated in Ghana, along west Africa Coast. I breaking into people’s houses and making away with their properties and personal effects like mobile phones, laptops, jewelry and other personal effects.I used to bring the stolen items to Nigeria to sell. I have a ready market for them in Lome and Lagos." Wasami pointed out that he has repented from his old ways, emphasizing that he has turned new leaf shortly after he was released from the Kirikiri prison almost a year ago.
"Those two machetes found inside my apartment in Agbole Orile belonged to Area Boys operating in a garage near by. They kept them there for whenever there is crisis among them. These boys are called Spartacus. They are trouble makers. They are always at the junction. I don’t know anything about it and I never knew they were there.
"For now, I work in Lagos Island where I help connect people who want to buy children clothing to sellers. I earn commission from this and that is how I earn my livelihood," he said.
The suspect explained how he found his ways to Lagos, "I was in Sapele Technical College before I dropped out of the school. I came back to Lagos to learn music at art PEFTI and Sound Engineering at Life-Line Studio, Alade Estate, Allen in Ikeja. After this, my father opened a shop for me, where I was managing before things were a bit difficult for me.
Shortly after this, I decided to go into house breaking and stealing to survive, and I was into this for about six years. I have operated in more than five houses in Lagos here. All the houses are in Festac area because I know much about the area very well.
He continued: "My major operations were in Ghana because Ghanaian are not security conscious unlike Nigeria where security is tight. In Ghana, nobody would challenge you. All the items that I stole are from Ghana. I did sell some at Lome and some in Lagos.I have a large number of people that buy the stolen goods from me in Lagos.
He later opened can of worms on those he sold the stolen valuables to in Lagos. "Amongst those I sold the items to one were Qudus, I.K, Hapier, Stanley and Kelvin", he said. "If I have a large quantities of items I want to dispose, Qudus was always the right man for me to call. He would come to me, collect the items, sell them and return the money," he reiterated.
The suspect continued that. "...another accomplice simply identified as I.K, buys stolen items in large quantity too from me. He once had a shop in Church Street junction, Oshodi, but presently, he has relocated to China.".
Amongst the items that I have stolen before, the laptop found with me was the only one that remained with me because it has been a long time I went for operation. My last operation was in Festac. It was the one that led to my arrest and consequently my imprisonment at Kirikiri, Since I came back, I have never gone into breaking in and stealing," he explained.
Meanwhile, operatives of the Police have begun a man-hunt for the suspect's stolen goods buyers. The operatives are on the trail of at least three buyers mentioned by the suspects. The suspect is currently helping the Police with information that could lead to the arrest of his accomplices.

South African king sentenced to 12yrs in prison for cruelty towards his subjects

South African king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo has been sentenced to 12-years in prison for arson, kidnap and assault of his subjects. King Dalindyebo handed himself over to the Mthatha Correctional Center in Eastern Cape province minutes before midnight on Wednesday, December 30, after failing in an 11th-hour bid to evade incarceration by seeking a retrial or a presidential pardon.
In a statement, Justice spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said:
"We confirm that King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo handed himself to the head of Mthatha Corresctional Centre at 23h40 in the presence of the Regional Commissionerof the Eastern Cape"

In 2009, the controversial king was convicted of manslaughter, arson and assault charges for offenses committed more than two decades ago. He was sentenced to 15 years in 2009, but in October the Supreme Court dropped the manslaughter charge and reduced his sentence to 12 years on appeal.

This week he sought to further extend his bail, but a High Court judge in Mthatha threw out the request. The king's daughter, Yasmin Omar, stated that the judge had not given them reasons for his decision.

"No indication was given for when we can expect the reasons for the dismissal of the application and we will continue with the case," said Omar.

He is expected to serve his sentence in Wellington Prison, outside Mthatha.
The 51-year-old king, a self-confessed marijuana smoker, was found guilty of torching dwellings that housed some of his subjects and tenants who had resisted eviction.

He was also convicted of publicly assaulting three young men who had already been brutally beaten by his henchmen, and of kidnapping a wife and children of one of his subjects whom he considered a dissident.

The Supreme Court concluded that the king "ruled with fear and trepidation" and that "his behavior was all the more deplorable because the victims of his reign of terror were the vulnerable rural poor." It also accused him of "obstructive" action for changing his lawyers 11 times, causing 34 postponements of the case.

Dalindyebo became king of the Thembu, a Xhosa ethnic group that boasted Mandela as its most prominent clan member, in 1989. The royal family will meet next week to discuss whether a successor should be chosen due to their monarch's imprisonment.

Rwanda president Paul Kagamer and wife dance to Ketchup's Pam Pam

See video of President of Rwanda and his First Lady dancing to Pam Pam, a single by Nigeria's Dancehall star Ketchup. Watch...

See the racy pic Kenyan socialite Vera Sidika shared on Instagram, her tips to ladies is even more interesting

Knyan socialite and model, Vera Sidika practically left nothing to the imagination in a super racy green thong she shared on Instagram. Her tips to ladies is even racier. Check that out...

"I Love my thongs army green like I'm going to war!" she wrote. "Ladies, the year is coming to an end and you better be the only thing on his mind come 2016! get that game on and ride him like if your life depends on it. Suck it like a baby on a milk bottle (inseparable) ������ then try something different, don't do the normal bed routine, mix it up! Make use of the bathroom, couch, floor, kitchen counter,take advantage of that space! Try switching sex positions too,try the reverse cowgirl, move to electric slide, then the Python, and finish with doggy style�� In the AM, prepare breakfast in bed for him. Put up a show he'll remember for the rest of his life!!! Make a niggah R.I.P (Rest In Pussy)�� #RichSex New Year's gift u can give your man" Alrighty!