Monday 1 February 2016

Chris Brown lashes out after his baby mama accused him of endangering their child

Chris Brown's baby mama Nia Guzman last week filed court docs accusing Chris of causing their daughter Royalty to become asthmatic from second hand cigarette and weed smoke and for this, Nia asked a judge to restrict Chris's visitation rights and force him to go for drug test. In an instagram post he's since deleted, Chris Brown lashed out, saying the allegations was just a way for Nia to extort him. What he wrote 

Chelsea legend John Terry emotionally reveals he'll leave Chelsea at season's end

The 35yr old captain who has played for Chelsea all his life as a professional footballer has revealed that the club has refused to offer him a new deal and that he will be leaving at the end of the season.

5 month Pregnant woman goes missing

The woman pictured above named Habiba Shaba Ibrahim has been missing since Saturday evening in Abuja. According to family sources, she came to town and her car developed mechanical problem on her way back home to Kubuwa. She parked her car at her inlaw's house and took a taxi home but she never got home since yesterday. She left a 3yr old at home & she is 5 months pregnant.

Anyone with useful info should reach FCT NPF on the following Lines: 08057000001, 08057000002 and 08057000003. They can also be messaged on whatsapp for useful info

If I can swap my lab coat for a career in IT then you too can! My Story

This is a sponsored post...
I am Lorraine Nwufo, a graduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka with a degree in applied biochemistry which happens to be to me now nothing more than a degree. With not much forthcoming along that path, I decided to deviate into the networking career after realising my flare for IT and particularly Cisco Networking because of its diverse opportunities it offers in Nigeria at the moment and in the future to come.
I got to know about Deft-Rains through Linda Ikeji blog and I'd say going through it at that moment, turned out to be a blessing as it helped to clear my indecision on where to apply for the CISCO programme.

The advertisement from Deft-Rains was more than impressive; the ease to which I could apply and the efficiency in response is really worth applauding. I registered anticipating the best considering how perfectly they had advertised themselves on the social platform and I got nothing but the best! The lecture room, conducive environment, mode of lectures and the lecturer himself made the period of training a perfect experience.

The programme was easy to comprehend and with the practicals carried out on real-life devices, I can say I learnt from the best. My future is definitely taking the right path now as I'd further my education by enrolling in a networking course for my masters and take the CCNA exams too. I've no doubts that soon, and I mean real soon, I'll be earning well and living my new found dream and would advice everyone to follow their flare and not just settle for their degree because your degree can get you to the door but your passion would take you right in and bring you happiness and fulfilment.

Thus, regardless of your degree or background, if you have a liking for information technology like me with all the opportunities it presents not only now but way into the future, then you should be a part of the soon-to-commence Cisco Networking Intern program which gives you a sure footing in IT networking with its exceptional training methods that allows you access to live routers and switches in an internship-styled approach.

To be considered for the program, send the program code, your names, qualification, e-mail, gsm and preferred program venue [E.g Cisco, Sam Dani, OND Sociology,, 080XXXXXXXX, abuja center] to 08061596493 (MTN); 08026699981 (AIRTEL); or 08117343348 (GLO) (sms only) and free brochure of the program will be sent you via e-mail.

For Enquiries: 08069386320 or 08058690453 or visit

Entry Deadline: February 11th, 2016.
Program Commencement: Feb 13th (Weekend Plan) or Feb 15th (Weekday Plan)

Program Venues:
Lagos: Deft-Rains Solutions Nigeria, 143 Ojuelegba Road by Karimu Street Juncture, Surulere
Abuja: Abutech Academy, Crest Plaza,Plot C35/C36, S22 off 1st Avenue, Gwarimpa  11 Estate

Two women battle it out over a man in Kenyan...

In what can only be described as a battle of shame, residents of Mwiki in Kasarani, Kenya were treated to a free drama yesterday afternoon after two women went for each others' necks over a man. Meanwhile, the residents didn't even bother to intervene. It is that Kenyans don't 'separate' fights or what? Lol. More photos 

Timi Dakolo shares photo of his dad as he celebrates birthday

Timi Dakolo's dad is a year older today & the singer shared a photo of them together to celebrate him.

Saudi Arabia releases photo of mosque suicide bomber...

The perpetrator of the Friday bomb attack on Al Ridha Mosque in Al Ahsa in the Eastern Province has been identified as Abdul Rahman Bin Abdullah Bin Sulaiman Al Tuwaijri, a 22-year-old Saudi national. The interior ministry said on Saturday, January 30, said that the attacker who bombed the mosque in Al Mahasin neighbourhood had been arrested two years ago for taking part in a rally to call for the release of detainees.

A second suicide bomber was arrested during the attack and he is being treated for wounds, the ministry said, adding that details about his identity will be revealed later.

The statement said that four Saudi citizens were killed and 33 were injured in the attack. Three security servicemen were also wounded.
"So far, 19 of the injured citizens have left the hospital following their treatment whereas the other 14 and the three policemen are still being treated," the ministry said.
The security forces will continue their efforts to identify and track down all those involved in the attack through planning, execution, support and direct or indirect incitement," the ministry pledged.
During a visit to the injured at the hospital, Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz expressed national resolve to address terrorism.
"What happened on Friday will only reinforce our determination to root out terrorists," he said. "They are serving a specific agenda, but thank God, we are reversing their objectives," Prince Mohammad, also Saudi Arabia's interior minister, said.
According to a Saudi report, the suicide bomber's father did not notice any change in his son's attitudes when they were together on Thursday, hours before the deadly attack widely condemned in Saudi Arabia and well beyond.
"There was nothing peculiar or strange about him, and he was such a devoted and obedient son," he said, Al Arabiya news site reported. "When we talked on Thursday, there was no indication to what was going to happen on Friday. The other man implicated with him in the attack is close to him and they often did things together," he said.
The father added that his son worked in a restaurant and attended courses at a community college:
"I am sure my son has been subjected to a magical act. I do not know how they reached him, especially that he rarely left the house and never mingled with suspicious people. He never left Saudi Arabia and he does not even have a passport. I do not know how my son has been charged" he said.

Emma Nyra writes to women who constantly criticize her online

         Yep! 2016 is the Year of The Woman!

Harrysong signs multi-million Naira deal as new face of Gala

Following his massive hit, Reggae Blues, Harrysong has signed a multi-million Naira deal with UAC Foods as the new face of Gala. Congrats to him. More photos...

Lady narrates how robbers stole her ATM and cleaned out her account

A primary school teacher identified as Evi Iwaha pictured above, has narrated how some robbers attacked her,took her ATM card and cleared her account in the early hours of Saturday January 30th.
She narrated her story to The Nation. "It happened a few minutes to 6.00am; I’d boarded a bus supposedly to Oshodi from Obanikoro. No sooner had the bus moved than they sprang into action. The first thing they did was grab my phone; ‘What do you do? Where are you coming from?’one of them asked. I was hopeful that they’d take pity on me, having told them I was just a primary school teacher.
Why bother to ask if it meant nothing to them? After rummaging through my wallet, they found two ATM cards and some cash. The question that followed hit me with a bang. ‘What’s your pin number?’ Instinctively, I hesitated for a while, but a resounding slap on my face soon got me spilling it out. These guys were actually going to do the unimaginable. They were going to clear my account. To think that I was about experiencing stories that had seemed far away. I looked up in time to see another member of the gang, sitting in the front seat. They called him officer. I don’t know if he was some military officer or if the name was just a code name. Even though I was still a little dazed from the slap, I couldn’t but notice the gun that hung loosely in the man’s hand, as he spoke to his colleague. He quickly handed the ATM cards to another member who played the role of a bus conductor. The driver slowed down at my inquisitor’s command, and the bus conductor jumped off the bus on his way to emptying my accounts. I silently wished I had payed the money into my friend’s account, he had asked me to do so to avoid spending it, since I’m saving towards paying my rent. Meanwhile, while we awaited the arrival of the messenger, the bus kept going round and round. In the process, the two women I met on the bus were told to disembark, and two others, a guy and his girlfriend were picked up at the next stop. They were lucky, as they didn’t have any ATM card on them. They were ripped of their phones and the only one thousand Naira note the guy had on him. They had also searched the lady who came on at the same time as I did. Obviously they didn’t get much from her. I was their sacrificial lamb. Soon my phone beeped – an indication that the money had been withdrawn. Then they drove back to the spot where they had dropped off the bus conductor, picked him up and drove off. By all means, it was a smooth operation, and we were home-bound now. I silently prayed that they dropped me off at a safe place. All along, I didn’t know where we were because I had been sitting on the floor of the bus. Suddenly, the bus pulled to a stop and we were all told to alight. I discovered that they had dropped us at the toll-gate. My inquisitor who had promised to give me transport money to take me home had either forgotten or couldn’t care less. They zoomed off as soon as we were all out of the bus. I stood there thinking of how to get to my place in Gbagada, until one good Nigerian who happened to be passing by came to my rescue by giving me N100, my exact fare home.”she said

British scientists granted permission to genetically modify human embyros

British scientists have been granted permission to genetically modify human embryos by the fertility regulator. The Francis Crick Institute could begin thecontroversial experiments as early as March after the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority(HFEA) gave the green light this morning.

The scientists want to deactivate genes in leftover embryos from IVF clinics to see if it hinders development.

It will only be the second time in the world that such a procedure has been undertaken and the first time it has been directly approved by a regulator. A Chinese team carried out similar experiments last year to widespread outcry.
Currently around 50 per cent of fertilised eggs do not develop properly and experts believe that faulty genetic code could be responsible.

If scientists knew which genes were crucial for healthy cell division, then they could screen out embryos where their DNA was not working properly, potentially preventing miscarriages and aiding fertility.

The initial pilot, which will also have to pass an ethics evaluation, will involve up to 30 embryos and the team would like to work on a further three genes, which could bring the total of to 120.

Critics warn that allowing embryos to be edited opens the door to designer babies and genetically modified humans.

But lead scientist Dr Kathy Niakan said that the research could fundamentally change our understanding of human biology and give hope to prospective parents.
“We would really like to understand the genes that are needed for an embryo to develop into a healthy baby,” she told a briefing in central London last month.
“Miscarriage and infertility are extremely common but they are not very well understood. We believe that this research could improve our understanding of the very earliest stages of human life.
“The reason why I think this is so important is that most human embryos fail to reach the blastocyst stage. Over 50 per cent will fail so this window is absolutely critical.
“If we were to understand the genes, it could really help us improve infertility treatment and provide crucial insights into the causes of miscarriage.”

The team at Francis Crick are already in talks with fertility clinics across the country to use their spare embryos.

Sir Paul Nurse, director of the Crick, said:

“I am delighted that the HFEA has approved Dr Niakan’s application. Dr Niakan’s proposed research is important for understanding how a healthy human embryo develops and will enhance our understanding of IVF success rates, by looking at the very earliest stage of human development - one to seven days.”

Currently it is not illegal to edit human embryos for research purposes although it has never been done before because they technology has not been available.

When China announced it had carried out similar experiments last year there was a widespread outcry.

A spokesman for the HFEA said:

“Our Licence Committee has approved an application from Dr Kathy Niakan of the Francis Crick Institute to renew her laboratory’s research licence to include gene editing of embryos.

“The committee has added a condition to the licence that no research using gene editing may take place until the research has received research ethics approval.

“As with all embryos used in research, it is illegal to transfer them to a woman for treatment.”

All cells in a human embryo have the same DNA code, but they divide into specialised cells depending on gene expression.

Between day five and seven of human development and embryo has around 200 cells of three different types. One set will go on to form the foetus , while another type becomes the placenta, and the third kind the yolk sac which nourishes growing baby. The aim of the new project is to find out what causes the cells to turn into different kinds, a process known as ‘lineage specification.’

The new genetic editing technique, called Crispr, acts like molecular scissors to snip out part of the DNA code so that scientists can see if it was needed.

“Crispr is so efficient and precise that it can go inside a single volume, open up, a specific page, identify a single word, and alter a single letter,” added Prof Niakan.

The first gene that the team is planning to deactivate is OCT4, which in mice appears to be crucial for the healthy development of foetal cells.

However British scientists were among 150 experts who in November called for a worldwide ban on genetic editing of embryos claiming the practice could open the door to ‘irrevocably altering the human species.’

Dr Calum MacKellar, Director of Research of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics said: “Allowing the gene editing of embryos opens the road to genetically modifying all the descendants of a person as well as full blown eugenics which was condemned by all civilised societies after the Second World War.”

“It is the very future of the way in which societies accept persons with disabilities that is at play since such gene editing procedures infer that they should not have been brought into existence.”

Gene therapy has been available since the 1970s but it is only recently that scientists have developed technology which can snip out parts of genetic code

The technique could permanently remove harmful mutations which lead to inherited diseases like Huntingdon’s, cystic fibrosis and haemophilia, critics say it could have unexpected side effects any may damage healthy strands of DNA.

Alastair Kent, Director of Genetic Alliance UK, said: "“Understanding the crucial process of embryo development could help us to understand causes of infertility, miscarriage and some genetic diseases.

"The team at the Crick Institute have explained to the HFEA why they would like to use genome editing to investigate embryo development and the HFEA have authorised the research to proceed. We hope that this avenue of research is fruitful, and that genome editing is as powerful a research tool as it currently seems to be."