"An answer to prayer," Feek posted to the blog Monday, saying they've decided to bring her home from hospice and "need to concentrate now on helping her be comfortable."
"We prayed. We all prayed.
“God answered.
“At 4 a.m. Friday morning we rushed Joey to the hospital in Muncie. Her pain had become too much to bare. A few hours later the doctors told us that the pain was from the cancer tumors continuing to grow and become inflamed and we need to concentrate now on helping her be comfortable.
Not the answer we hoped for… but the answer He has given us."
His post goes on to talk about their 1-year-old daughter, Indiana:
Feek said Joey and he then read recordable books to Indiana.
"Hospice is arranged and a hospital bed will be delivered later this morning. We’ll have a play area on the carpet nearby – close enough for her to watch Indy play, and for Indy to turn and make sure her mama can see her,” he said. “Joey is at peace with where she is and where she’s going. So am I. An answer to prayer.