Sunday 27 December 2015

Tricks to make a girl happy.

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You've got the girl of your dreams. How do you keep her? This is a guide for all those hopelessly lost men who may have a couple ideas about how to keep her happy, but who don't know for sure.

1.Become a good listener. Everyone wants to feel like they're being listened to, but girls care very deeply about being listened to. It's a validation for them, but it's also a sign that you want them more than just physically. Here are some simple, real things you can do right away to become a better listener:
  • Ask questions about the things she says. If you can follow her conversation, you should be able to ask questions. Show her you’re listening actively, not passively.
  • Don't interrupt her. Interrupting a girl tells her that what you have to say is more important than what she has to say, which isn't always the case. Let her finish talking before you speak.
  • Listen to the best parts of her. Everyone has moments, or even whole days, that they'd like to forget. Forget the times when she was frazzled, or frustrated, or off her game. Listen to her best moments and prioritize those over her not-so-good moments. This will make her incredibly happy, and predispose her to do the same for you.
2.Whenever you get something, give back a little. It doesn't have to be clockwork, but the idea is important. If she gives you a massage, give her a foot rub the next day. If she writes you a romantic letter on vacation, write her a romantic note and give it to her when she gets back. You want her to see how much work you're putting into the relationship. Remember, you're a reciprocator, not a parasite.
  • Don't be a robot about giving back every time you get something. That's not very romantic, and it probably won't impress your girl. Try to appear spontaneous, even if you're planning far in advance. It will make her a lot happier.
  • Don't forget to do things just because. Don't always make something tit-for-tat. Get her ice-cream before school or after work, and don't expect anything in return. You'll earn your karma in the long run.
3.Earn her trust. Be worthy of her trust. Guys may not care about it that much, but for girls, it's a really important issue: Trust helps them fend off guys until they've proven themselves. She won't truly let you inside until you show her you can be trusted.
  • Do not show romantic interest in her friends. Not even a single one of them. Stay steady as an arrow and clean as a whistle.
  • Always tell the truth, even if it hurts. Getting caught in a lie is much, much worse than fessing up to something unpleasant.
  • Be there for her when she needs it the most. When all her friends have deserted her, when she's feeling her awfullest, remind her that you're there for the long-haul. Send her a note saying how much she means to you; give her flowers; remind her of all the things that she does for other people that make her special to you.
  • Be as good as your word. This doesn’t just mean keeping a big promise every now and then; it means doing the dishes or picking up those socks like you said you would. If you say you're going to do something, follow through with it.
4.Include her with your friends. Let's face it — she may never be mistaken for "one of the guys." But you can make an effort to include her into the gang every once in a while. Girls like feeling included, especially with other guys. It tells her that you're comfortable with her at your side — even with your boys — and that you're not embarrassed to her around the people you care most about.

5.Share things about yourself that define you. Open up. Self-disclosure is essential to bonding and has been shown to promote happy relationships.
  • Talk with her about your hopes, dreams and fears. Make sure the depth of these discussions is appropriate for the level of your relationship. Don't be an open book, but don't be afraid of showing her some vulnerability. Contrary to what you might think, vulnerability is stuning in her book,
  • Talk about your favorite songs, movies, books, and memories. These seemingly little things play a big role in forming an emotional connection. Don't be put off if she doesn't like every single one of your interests. If she likes you, she'll put up with your Metallica even if she's a Miley kind of girl.
6.Ask her directly. Don't be afraid to ask her if there's anything you can do to make her happier, or make the relationship better. Sometimes, honesty is just what the doctor ordered. Instead of playing games and trying to figure out what's wrong by fitting together all the tiny puzzle pieces, be blunt and ask her what she needs and what she wants. If something's wrong or could be better, she'll tell you. Be prepared to at least think about what she'd have you do.

7.Show her verbal affection from time to time. Tell her how much she means to you, what she's good at, or even what you like about her. Say something like "Remember the first time we met? I fell head over heels for you when I saw you standing there. It's like everything else seemed to disappear, kind of like tunnel-vision. You still do that to me." A nicely placed compliment or endearment can make her heart melt.
  • Don't overdo it. A nice compliment or "I love you" goes a long way every once in a while. But the more you use them, the cheaper they get. Remember, a diamond is valuable because it's so rare.
8.Be a gentleman. A gentleman will treat a woman with patience, care, and attention, without making her feel out of place. Unless your girl absolutely doesn't like being treated differently because she's a different gender, you can make a lot of headway by taking the time to act like it's 1945. Here are some easy things you can do to show your girl you're a true gentleman.
  • Walk on the outside of the sidewalk; sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. These two gentlemanly gestures are all about protection — positioning yourself in between harm and your lady. In the first case, you're protecting your girl from a possible car; in the second case, you're protecting your girl from a possible intruder.
  • Open doors and help the girl get seated when it's easy for you to do it. The key words here are "easy." You want to be a gentleman, but going out of your way to rush to the door in order to open it before she gets there seems like you'd be trying too hard. Try to be as casual as possible with these gentlemanly 

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